Schleich - Popular Baby Toys and Smurfs

Is That A Schleich Figurine?

Toddlers love toys they can handle easily - toys that can be packed into a pocket or tucked into a shirt for easy transport and quick access. It's so much fun to watch them as they empty their treasures out onto a table or the floor and begin to play. If the child is lucky, one or more of the treasurers is a Schleich toy. These miniature figurines have been a part of children's play for more than 60 years, and they not only satisfy children, they are also collectibles. Many adults have impressive collections of Schleich figurines and the supporting accessories, buildings and vehicles that go with them.

The Schleich company, founded by Friedrich Schleich in 1935 in Germany, creates amazing lifelike figurines and accessories. Their primary market for many years was Europe, but their toys have made their way into the hearts of children and collectors the world over. Schleich figurines were initially released in the 1950's with the creation and marketing of comic book figurines like Snoopy and The Smurfs. As time went on, other popular characters that children loved and identified with were added. The Muppets, along with a line of animals arrived on the scene in the 1980's and they've been popular ever since. Every year there is a new release of additional animals, creatures, and people to enhance the ever-growing line of these very special toys and the play worlds they inhabit.

The Best Known and Loved Toys

Perhaps the best known of the Schleich baby toys are the farm animals and, of course, Schleich Smurfs - miniatures of the cuddly little blue cartoon characters that kids have enjoyed for years. Toddlers and older children love the Schleich farm animals, and there are so many of them that a child could have a full-blown farm set up, complete with barns and tractors, that would keep him or her busy for hours. The toys do not have batteries, lights, wires, or sounds of any sort, so they provide a perfect opportunity for children to explore their imagination and create their own play world.

The Perfect Toddler Toy

Schleich figures are wonderful toys for toddlers for many reasons. First of all, they are made well, sturdy, and small enough to handle (and pack into a pocket) easily. The detail and care with which they are made is reflected in the lifelike appearance of each of the figurines, accessories, and supporting toys. Because they are simply figurines, a child's imagination is stimulated. Little children seem to be able to play with them for hours, probably because the imagination of the little child is open and endless. Schleich toys can be taken into a restaurant or a doctor's office where a toddler can sit and play with his own toys, quietly making up his play as he goes.  They're great car-seat toys as well, keeping a child occupied during a trip of any length.

The Worlds of Schleich Toys

There are many different "worlds" of Schleich figurines and toys. The African Safari opens up the world of the savanna in Africa with giraffes, lions, hippos and more. The latest addition to this set is a Safari plane that snaps together and is authentic looking. Children not only get to play in a foreign country, but parents are able to engage and teach about the place and the animals that live there.

If your little boy is keen on castles and knights, the Schleich knights and horses will spark his creativity. The realistic and detailed Knight's Castle becomes a refuge from the attack of the enemy. The castle can be set up in any design that fits the imagination. There is a stable for the Schleich horses that carry the knights into battle. The hours of fun and play are rewarding and stimulating.

Schleich makes many different play worlds. From the world of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals to the Fantasy world of Bayala, Schleich toys open up adventure, creativity and learning. While Schleich toys are excellent for little people, the age recommendation is three years and up, primarily because some of the smaller animals and people may be a source of choking in very little children.

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