Choosing the type of schooling our children will receive is never an easy decision. Even from an early age, parents are faced with many choices with regards to their child’s education. Here in our education section, you can find out more about the many choices your have regarding daycare, schools and other education classes you might want to enroll your child in. Start reading and find the right type of education for your child.
Daycare and Preschool
If your child is entering her preschool years, you’ll want to find out more about both preschool and daycare, as each carries with it particular advantages and disadvantages. Indeed, although the terms are often exchanged synonymously, they are both designed with distinct goals and objectives. Learn more about the differences and get advice on how to best choose the correct daycare or preschool for your child. Also, before choosing any education system, always find out about the school's learning philosophy and their educational goals. Make sure this philosophy and the goals match your own and that you agree with how they will educate your child. You should also always visit any school or daycare before enrolling your child to be sure you like the cleanliness of the place, feel comfortable with the staff, and get a feel for how things are really run. Be sure to ask the school or daycare about their safety and illness policies to ensure that your child will be well cared for in case of an emergency.
Choosing a Preschool
For those who’ve made the decision to enroll their child in a preschool, it’s important to be aware of the criteria for evaluating preschools, so you can be sure your child is getting the most out of the experience. In fact, some parents might be surprised to learn that with the context of preschools they are several distinct educational methods one might employ. Do you want your child to learn through play, through organized activities, or through conventional learning techniques. Maybe you want a mixture of all different learning techniques or maybe you want your child enrolled in a religiously affiliated school.
So before you sign up, make sure the school's philosophy is in keeping with your own.
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