Baby Boy
After expectant parents find out that there is nothing medically wrong with their baby, the next pressing thing on their minds may be the gender of the baby. Some couples long for a male child especially if they already have one or more girls. Perhaps they have had several baby boy names picked out that they haven't had a chance to use yet. Maybe they simply want to enjoy the simplicity of shopping for baby boy clothes. The selection in boys clothing tends to be smaller than girls clothing even at the infant stage which can make shopping easier.
According to some folklore, you'll be having a baby boy if you're carrying lower or if your skin becomes dry or if you suddenly have thicker and faster growing hair on your legs than you had before you became pregnant. If you find you're experiencing any of these "symptoms" or other signs associated with pregnancy folklore, resist the urge to tell (or hint to) people that they should be buying baby boy gifts if they want to buy a baby present for you. The only way to know with close to certainty the gender of your baby is to have medical tests performed. The most common is the ultrasound.
Baby Boy Pictures With Ultrasounds
The easiest way to figure out the gender of your unborn baby is to get a fetal picture done with an ultrasound. The fetal picture is called a sonogram and it needs to be done when your baby is large enough to get a clear picture of his genital area.
When a technician looks at a sonogram he or she looks for a penis and scrotum to determine if the child is a boy. But just because the technician doesn't see a penis or scrotum doesn't automatically mean you're having a girl. It may simply mean that the position of the placenta, the position of the baby or the thickness of the abdominal wall is interfering with the ability to get a clear image and the technician just can't see the penis. A thick abdominal wall can mean the ultrasound waves needed to get any unborn baby boy pictures can't get through enough to create a clear image. The same is true if the placenta is positioned in the front of your uterus instead of the back, although placenta position rarely affects the ability to get a clear image.
The majority of ultrasound technicians are able to tell you if you're having a boy child by approximately the 20th week of your pregnancy. Sometimes they'll be able to tell you as early as 11 or 12 weeks if you have an ultrasound at that time. But by around the 20th week many technicians are able to tell you if you're having a boy with 95 percent to 100 percent accuracy even though few will let you know they're 100 percent sure just in case there was a mistake in the reading.
If you find out you're having a boy early in your pregnancy, you can often get a baby boy movie made from a place specializing in 3-D or 4-D ultrasounds. These places cater to parents who wish to have a permanent, realistic-looking memento of their pregnancy. Special equipment creates a 3-D image of your baby that can be burned to a DVD to create a baby boy movie you can cherish as your child gets older. Sometimes they'll even add a little background music to the movie but you probably won't get specific baby boy lyrics.
Are Boy Babies More Active in Utero?
There's no medical evidence suggesting boy fetuses are more active, act differently in utero or develop any differently than girl fetuses. Some studies suggest they might gain slightly more weight at a faster speed than girl babies. A lower heart rate has sometimes been a sign of a boy baby, but this isn't the case every time.
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