OB GYN Says I Need To Lose Weight At 33 Weeks Pregnant
23 Replies
| meg - December 20 |
to pregnant gal- first of all to ease your mind 35lbs at 33 weeks is not that bad. I know doc's say 25 to 35lbs total is best, but I know sooo many women who have gained over that. You are far enough along that you probably wont gain a whole lot more. They even say the last 2 to 3 weeks most women either totally stop gaining weight or even loose 2 to 3lbs before giving birth. I am really having a hard time believing that a doctor said this to you. Definately either talk to your doc or else switch.
35 pounds is not even excessive at all!!! I gained 54 pounds with my first child and I was told that that is perfectly normal. I know it depends on prepregnancy size how much weight you should gain but it sounds to me that you are not that big. Change doctors immediatly before you and your baby are put in any more danger then you already have been. Get another opinion right away.
| ... - January 14 |
Your doctor sounds like an imbecile. Dieting During Pregnancy is an extremely bad idea. Find another doctor!!!
Change dr.s! Just to make you feel better- but Kate Hudson gained 70 lb.s while pregnant, and Elizabeth Hurley gained 55 (to name a few.) It's recommended to not gain alot, but it's a personal experience and different for every person! Your baby and body need continued nutrition, and healthy moderate exercise (but nothing that is too tiring or raises your heart rate insane amounts.) Although Ive been so sick, my only exercise has been cleaning (so I shouldnt talk- hehe) \
Plus, the average non-pregnant woman should never dip below 1,200 calories per day (when trying to lose weight) because the body slows down and does into starvation mode...let alone a pregnant woman! My advice? Keep enjoying yourself, your pregnancy, taking care of your baby, and get far away from that dr. : ) Dont guilt yourself...you are creating a whole life inside of you! So keep doing what you're doing and be healthy- hehe. You are the center of your own world right now, and the protector of your baby!
You should definitely change doctors!! You need to report him to someone! I gained 40 lbs with my first and had no trouble at all losing it and no health problems. Losing weight could be very dangerous to your baby- it is important to eat healthy through the end of you pregnancy then you can lose the weight!
35lbs is nothing. My first pregnancy I gained 74lbs. 70 of them in the last 3 months of pregnancy. That was a long time ago. Now with my 2nd pregnancy i am 3 1/2 months along with a weight gain of 30lbs. My doctor has not said anything to me about the weight gain. As long as you are eating healthy most of the time don't worry about it unless you are prone to becoming diabetic. I don't understand how I have gained my weight since my appet_te has really gone down since I got pregnant.
| krc - January 18 |
THAT WEIGHT WILL COME RIGHT OFF ANYWAY...especially if you decide to go back to the gym and you'll lose it faster if you b___st feed.
I had a similar situation but in reverse with my first baby.
After being hospitalized on life support and sedated for my entire second trimester with the swine flu- i was finally getting better, out of hospital, eatting real foods again and slowly gaining weight after dropping from 55kg when I went into hospital with swine flu at the end of the first trimester to a measly 40 kilos, im also only 5 ft so i looked like a skeleton I had lost that much weight in hospital.
By 36 weeks I had gotten my weight up to 46-47kilos again after slowly gaining about a kilo a week after getting out of hospital and the OBN said to me that I had to gain another at least 10 kilos and fast or I would likely have to have a c-section.
My husband and I at the time of course panicked- how was I going to do that in that little time and they had only stopped tupe feeding me about 5 weeks prior to this so I was on mushy foods all the time as I had trouble swallowing and digesting food properly due to the amount of time spent under sedation being tube fed, my stomach had also shrunk so small because of this that I was having constant diet_tian consultation to try and stretch my stomach back to normal size without damaging anything internally.
We spoke to the midwife group at the hospital about this at the next visit as we were very worried and they said to us that the doctor who told us this was wrong and had given us both wrong and very dangerous advise- turned out that if I had managed to gain that much weight that quickly or even 1/2 that amount within that time would have resulted in my having a c-section and other problems during labour and prior due to the sudden rapid weight gain.
I ended up having my baby at 39 weeks, a beautiful healthy baby boy and I had a normal v____al delivery with NO problems and no drugs- I was only 47kilos.
I am now pregant again and expecting our second in February- I was only 49kilos prior to becoming pregant, the extra 2 kilos was all I managed to put on anyway after all of that time and it wasnt before our first was born either.
So I all in all I have to say if something worries you about what a Doctor has told you- seek a second opinion- it wont hurt and you may end up finding out the first Dr was wrong, its a lot safer that way if you have any doubts.