6 Weeks With Empty Sac As Seen During Vaginal Ultrasound
394 Replies
Any update on your situation?
Hello, I am sorry to be posting on what seems to be an old post but it sounds like I am experiencing a lot of what you did/are. I am 6w5d and had a Vag US this morning (3/15/17), only to find an empty sac, no fetal pole or heartbeat. My HCG levels are only at 5034 (as of 3/14/17) and will have a repeat test tomorrow (3/16/17) to see if they are continuing to double or not. I, like many are truly hopeful for good news. I have unfortunately miscarried 3 times between my sons (oldes is 3.5, younges is 7.5 months). I also have a bicornuate uterus which I'm always afraid is another underlying factor as to why so many pregnancies fail. Anyways, I am hoping to find some support, encouragement to help me get through the next 24 hours... its so short but feels like a lifetime away.
Hi HlYoung,
I'm so sorry that you are struggling. It really awful to just be waiting and waiting...I'm kind of in the same boat. my LMP was 2.5.17, but I have very irregular cycles. I had my hcg blood work done on 3.11 and it was only 454. Dr said it was likely a miscarriage in the making, because at 4 weeks 6 days it was super low. However, he sent me back on Monday, 3.13 and my levels were 770. Doubling, but super low. He said it's likely either ectopic or miscarraige. The nurse came in and said she's never seen levels that low for 5 weeks :( Transvaginal u/s showed nothing but that's not surprise since levels are so low. I hope and pray that everythign works out for you. Just as an aside, to make you feel a bit better, I have an 8 years old daughter and I didnt' see her on ultrasound until over 6 weeks. They did the transvaginal and saw nothing at 5 weeks 3 days and I panicked! However all worked out. Hang in there and I'll be thinking of you!! I have to go back tomorrow for blood work, crossing fingers!!! I hope my hcg is over 1500 and maybe I have a chance.
Hi there I thought I was 9 wks pregnant but my hcg was 6-8000 only and they just saw a sac in the ultrasound
it looks like I just passed the sac. I didn't look too close so unsure of a baby ? Any ideas why !