Macrobid Safe

19 Replies
lillibet - June 3

Hi, I'm 6 weeks pregnant tomorrow, due January 27. Last week I was prescribed macrobid, or nitrofurantoin, for a UTI. It turned out that I didn't have a UTI-all my urine tests came back negative. I think the doctor was just being extra cautious, but it was upsetting my stomach, so I stopped taking it after a couple of days. I also hate the idea of taking meds during pregnancy. Although the doctors insist it is safe, I've read online that it should not be prescribed unless absolutely necessary during pregnancy, and I read that one woman claimed to have a miscarriage because of it. I was just wondering if anyone else has taken it early in pregnancy? And did everything turn out okay?


HannahBaby - June 4

Hm, i was prescribed macrobid for a "UTI" at the er one day. I was 8 weeks pregnant and had alot of back pain i was worried that it was a kidney infection. I knew it wasnt a uti so i called my obgyn the next day and she looked up my results and said everything was negative so dont take the macrobid BUT she did say that it is completely safe to take in pregnancy. I concieved while on an antibiotic for strep throat.


ARD - June 4

Ac tually I have the same question myself.....just yesterday, after experiencing what I thought were possible UTI symptoms, I called my doctor and he prescribed me macrobid. He didn't do a urine check or anything, just went ahead and called it in for me. I asked him if it wasn't a UTI would the meds hurt me or the baby at all (i'm 8 mths preg.) and he said no. So I'm going to continue to take it because I'm just not sure and if it is a UTI and I don't treat it then it could become more serious and lead to a kidney/bladder infection which can in turn cause preterm labor. I don't want that, so I'm going to go ahead with the meds. Another nurse at the hospital told me it was safe to take also. So I wouldn't worry.


kee - June 12

The second poster should probably avoid macrobid which is only contraindicated in women close to term. youre not quite at term so your doc made a judgment call. are you allergic to penicillin? theres a great reason to treat utis even suspicion of them at 8 months because an untreated uti can bring on premature labor. but macrobid is not used when women are close to term. otherwise its safe. almost all drugs are pregnancy category B which is "likely safe in pregnancy." You cant really do better than that category. Penicillin is in that category too but many are allergic. Poster 1, how can you be sure you dont have a UTI? you definitely shouldve at least given a urine sample before taking the drugs because once you start taking them its harder to detect bacteria in urine. and it doesnt mean theyre still not in urinary tract. if symptoms recur, definitely give a urine sample first. Dont worry. every drug says dont prescribe unless absolutely necessary. treating a UTI is absolutely necessary. if a woman is asymptomatic in trimester one, they might advise her to wait until the second to be treated but once you have symptoms it can lead to worse infection, even kidneys so it must be treated right away.


Jilliebean1973 - September 21

I was prescribed Marcobid at 38 weeks. Prior to taking Macrobid I had a healthy, active baby. I had an Ultrasound approx 6 days after taking my 5th dose of Macrobid and I had no fetal movement. My baby still had a heartbeat - just was not moving. I ended up having an emergency c-section and my little one was born with a grade 3 (worst is grade 4) interventricular brain hemmorage (IVH) and she had a stroke in utero. I can't prove that this medication caused her IVH but up until I took this medication I had no problems. I was receiving weekly ultrasound (I had very very mild gestational diabetes) as well as weekly non-stress tests so I would have known if there were problems prior to this point. Please - do not take this medication in the 3rd trimester. It is not worth the heartache that may follow.


ILovedMySon - September 29

DO NOT TAKE MACROBID!!! I was 13 weeks pregnant... I felt my baby boy everyday and 24 hours after taking the macrobid I had severe chest pains and my son went into distress.... I went to emergency and my baby died... He was taken out a week later - this was 2 weeks ago!! I am waiting for the autopsy but from what I am reading on the net - not many can "PROVE" medically that the drug is doing this!!! Perhaps the meds dopn't leave a viable trace - especially if it takes days to take the baby out!!! DO NOT TAKE MACROBID!!!!


NicoleBeth - October 28

I'm so sorry for your loss. may i ask what the autopsy results came back with? i too am skeptical of taking macrobid during pregnancy as i miscarried at 12 weeks after taking it and being told by health professionals it was completely safe. i am now pregnant again, only 6 weeks but i have recurring UTIs unless treated. i don't want to take anything that can harm my baby however.


NicoleBeth - October 28

I'm so sorry for your loss. may i ask what the autopsy results came back with? i too am skeptical of taking macrobid during pregnancy as i miscarried at 12 weeks after taking it and being told by health professionals it was completely safe. i am now pregnant again, only 6 weeks but i have recurring UTIs unless treated. i don't want to take anything that can harm my baby however.


DaniH88 - November 2

From the studies I have looked over about nitrofurantoin I found that there actually can be risk to the fetus. I would call TTIS (1-800-733-4727). They are a pregnancy center that will give more specific answers about what the risks are.


NadejdaK - November 23

Hi, I am 15 weeks along. I also get recurrent UTI's and I hate doctors. I lost my first pregnancy due to what I believe was a medical mistake. With that issue aside, I wanted to ask you about how you went about treating your UTI's during pregnancy. I also firmly believe that unless there is absolutely nothing else that could help, medicines should be avoided during pregnancy. I have been feeling like I am getting a UTI lately because I am urinating more frequently. I wanted to know if you had any tips for me on treating it with homeopathic medicines or avoiding certain behaviors. I know that s_x can predispose a woman to UTI's, that is why I have completely obtained this time around. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Best of luck.


elateacher4 - December 29

DO NOT TAKE MACROBID WHILE PREGNANT! I am currently 5 weeks pregnant and just finished my last dose 2 days ago. This morning I woke up itching like crazy and ended up having head to toe hives! I googled it and it turns out this is a very common side effect. Many people also posted similar side effects. Now I am pregnant, can't take anything but oatmeal baths, and I feel like I am losing my mind. I itch from head to toe!!! My ankles, knees, and wrists are swollen. I fear for the life of my baby. Please DO NOT take it anytime, let alone while pregnant.


elateacher4 - December 29



marma1818 - February 24

MACROBID IS A BAD DRUG IF THAKING WHILE PREGNANT. I almost lost my baby last week after been taken macrobid for two days.My baby born at 25 weeks, weight only 1 pound 10 oz. now she's in the hopital fighting to survive. I know i was healthy all along untill been put on that stupid drug. what i need to know is if there's no lawsuit regarding this stupid drug or the physicians who're prescribing it.


new_mama2012 - March 22

ok everyone freaking out about this you cant blame the medicine i have been on macrobid since i was 12 im 21 now and i have had two healthy baby girls and im pregnant now it couldve been anything or maybe your allergic to it there are numerous things that couldve caused it now unless a doctor told you it was the medicine u cant blame just that some of the incidences coulve been a coincidence some of them may have been from the medicine but unless youve been told that you cant a__sume thats what did it not trying to sound hateful my heart goes out to you all but really


mother2b31987 - March 7

im 9 weeks pregnant and was perscribed macrobid 100 mg 2 times a day for 5 days -- after reading all these posts im terrified to continue to take it-- ive taken 2 pills already and im praying to god i dont miscarry


NicoleBeth - March 7

mother2b31987 - try not to 'freak' out. Hopefully all will be fine but if you could opt for homeopathic remedies instead then I would try them first and would only resort to antibiotics in the last instance. Go to your local health store and talk to them about it. Drink plenty of cranberry juice and really try and 'flush' it away. Best wishes. Please keep us updated. Try to rest up and not worry about it at this stage as there is nothing you can do but try to stay positive for the little one inside of you :) x


mother2b31987 - March 7

they said i had a UTI and needed the meds told me it was safe during pregnancy but now im not so sure it is--- they sent it away for a culture i am going to call dr to get results and see if its bad enough that i need these meds



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