How Accurate Is The Resulted Conception Date

8 Replies
twilliams24 - October 15

I concieved on sept 2nd, but after my doctors visit, with the ultrasound and other tests, results say i actually conceived two weeks prior when i know that isnt the case.. How accurate are the conception dates?


clindholm - October 15

Doctors use your last period for dating i.e saying you are 8 weeks. So yes, you actually conceived about 2 weeks after your lmp which should be the Sept 2nd you are stating. Make sense?


KaylaS - October 23

I am very confused about this because I got married on Augest 31 of this year my hsband drove in on the 27 we only had s_x from the 27 to the 1 of september I am due June 9 I am 7 weeks pregnant but they said they think my conception date was around sep 16 which is possible because I have NEVER cheated on my husband but for it to be sep 16 that means I would have had to which is bull c___p..


augustmommy3 - January 6

Kayla, when you get your u/s they always put two weeks on top of it. the u/s specialist said i was 7w2d pregnant which means i got pregnant around the third day of my period which is b/s because, first of i do not have s_x when i am on my period. but then i read this an article by the doctor Jane Foley(you can google her) where she explains the dating of pregnancy and the "missing 2 weeks". So really, when they say you're 7 weeks, you're actually 5 weeks ;) congratulations!


sarah009 - March 14

augustmommy3 hi, so was the ultrasound correct? i had an u/s done on Feb.21, saying i was 12wks and said my conception date was the 29 of Nov. the second day of my cycle. is thats possible? i had s_x on the 10 of dec. My due date is Sept.4, 2012...but it dont add up to me? so is the u/s wrong?


Grandpa Viv - March 15

Sarah, your post is already answered in this thread. By convention "weeks pregnant" is given from the first day of your last period. In fact you did not conceive until ovulation two weeks later.


dekraytom - December 4

I got it .It's pretty easy to understand. Thanks.


Dam20 - April 10

My ex girlfriend is 31 weeks today her due date is June 12,2017,that's about all I know we argue so were not talking right now 


Dam20 - April 10

Trying to figure a conception date?



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