To All Women Who Have Missed Period But Neg Result

156 Replies
Naomi - September 22

I was just curious...b/c this topic seems to be pretty popular on this site. Missed period, and negative results. first of all, how many of you have very very regular cycles? How many of you were on BC, and recently came off of it?? and how many of you have gone on to start your period after posting???


also..... - September 22

If you recently stopped using birth control....even though you were regular on BC....some women's bodys will fluctuate for a while, while others will never be very regular (have a friend that only gets like 3 periods/yr when not on BC).


NG - September 30

hi, I had regular period till now but in this month I missed my date and i did pragnancy test also in 4 th days of periods. it was negative and after 10 days still there is no period


Mic - September 30

Actually I have a pretty regular cycle. I'm not on BC, I never have been. But I'm exactly 10 weeks late today. I have taken 6 hpts and 1 blood test. All of them came back negative. I'm not exactly sure what to think.


Sarah - October 1

I was on BC for eight years and went off in May 2005. My cycle is long-about 34 days-with some irregularity. Sometimes 40 days and light others 34 days and as expected. My last period was Aug 11 and I feel pregnant (we're trying), yet all hpt are negative. I've tried clear blue, ept, and first response. I'm not sure how long I'll wait till I request a blood test. If I am pregnant, I should be about 7 weeks along.


krob - October 1

went off BCP iat end of June. Had last pill period then 24 cycle then 24 day cycle then 31 days waiting to see this month


Naomi - October 1

Hey ladies! Has anyone tested positive yet? About 95% of the time if you test a week after what should be the start of your will get a positive if you are pregnant. There are extremely rare cases where some womens HCG can't be picked up by at home tests. So, if I were you guys....wait a week after when you think you should start your period...then test. If you get a negative result, and still no's probably something you want to talk to your doctor about b/c you may need help getting your period back on track. I think they have some med's that can help. let me know if anyone gets a BFP. Good Luck!!


Sa__sygirl - October 1

I am 7 days late, I took a test got Negative results, took another test this morning got a very faint positive line, can't really tell though, I am going to my GYN on Tues, hoping for the best.


Melenie - October 4

Hi, I haven't been on birth control in over a year. I have been regular since I was 12 (except for when on bc, obviously). I am now 2 months late and have all of the symptoms, minus a positive pregnancy test. I guess that being pregnant is possible but I'm afraid to get my hopes up. I have an appointment on the 11th, the earliest that they can get me in. I'll let you all know.


Shawna - October 4

Hi Melanie, I am in a similar situation. I go to the dr on the 12th. Good luck with everything and keep us posted!


Melenie - October 4

Good luck to you too Shawna! I'll keep you posted and please, you do the same...


Shawna - October 4

Thanks Melanie. It is nice to get a response from someone. I haven't had much luck. Where are you from? I'm in Canada, but hopefully conceived in Australia!


Melenie - October 4

Shawna, How cool! I've always wanted to go to Australia... if you're preganant would it be a honeymoon baby?? What part of Canada? I am from Sandpoint, ID, about 45 minutes from the Canandian border.


Shawna - October 4

Actually, we were in Australia for 3 months for my husbands job. we lefy home July 13 and came home Sept 30. I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, right in the middle of Canada. My story is very similar to so many others here. I went on the pill after my son was born 6 years ago and went off it April 23. I had a regular period April 27, but Missed it in May. I had a negative test done on June11 and the dr explained that it was normal to have irregular periods for awhile after you stop taking the pill. I did not have another period until August 22 (in Australia). We started trying right after and I missed my Sept period. I took a hpt 1 day after my missed date and it was negative. However it was some brand I had never heard of from Australia called Precision or Precise. So now I am waiting just like you!


Melenie - October 4

Well Good Luck! I wish you the best. So you already have a child huh? This will be my first. My birthday was September 12th and for my birthday my husband said... lets start trying. I was already a week late at that point. I've taken 5 ept's and all were negative. So I have no idea what to expect. I'll keep you posted.


Shawna - October 4

What a special birthday present! I had no idea I was pregnant with my son until 3 months along. The only symptoms I had was fatigue, but I was a full-time university student so feeling tired was a part of life. I am very excited for you! Your first pregnancy is so special. Every experience is new and exciting and a bit scary. Take advice as it comes, but don't feel like you have to follow it. Once you confirm your pregnancy people will be offering you advice and telling you their birth stories. Don't let them scare you. Labor hurts but it is so worth it!


Angel - October 4

My period is five days late and I keep getting a negative and I have all of the pregnancy signs.I'm just going to have a blood test done next week.



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