39 Weeks Restless Legs Zero Sleep

4 Replies
juney00009 - June 15

hi all ..anyone else suffering from restless legs it kicks in the minute i sit / lie down creepy crawly feeling and can not keep my legs still therefore i get out of bed and walk around , have had it a few times a week the last 3 months but this is the 4th night with no sleep and i think i'm going insane i'm exhausted :( hope babs doesn't decide to wait another 2 weeks


krc - June 20

I suffer from RLS almost every night. It gets so bad, sometimes I have it in a leg and an arm! It will start around midnight and last until around 4 to 5am. I get no sleep, just constant tossing and turning and occasionally I have to get up and walk it off. I'm also 39 weeks and can't wait for it to end.


sarah21 - September 12

I get it really bad too. I have found it's worse if I drink caffeine after about 2PM. Also Hyland's makes a homeopathic remedy that I use that really helps, it's called "Restful Legs" and I found it at Walmart by all the vitamins and supplements.


longlashz - October 25

hey ladies iv been suffering from no sleep all night from mid august im in my 39th week n just want it all to be over. i was sleeping couple of hours during the day b4 but the last month i aint got much sleep, its like you slowly start to lose ur mind. i aint suffering from any leg pain at moment i just can not get to sleep! feel like screaming at the the top of me voice in the night.


KLD_mom_of_3 - July 9

I get RLS every night when I try to fall asleep. I end up having to take a hot bath for about 10 to 15 minutes long before getting back into bed. It works to relax the muscles in my calves and stop the creepy crawly feeling. I'm 39 weeks 3 days pregnant. I know they say not to take hot baths but it's the only thing that works to keep me from going insane over this Restless leg crap I go thru every night. Hope this helps :) 



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