Postpartum: Afterbirth Information

Now that baby's born, it's time to focus on postpartum care for you and your newborn! That means caring for yourself inside and out, including everything from getting back into shape, to confronting post-partum depression.  Learn more about what to expect after giving birth to your baby and about how to make this new and exciting time in your life as comfortable and happy as possible.


As a new mom, breastfeeding can be a unique experience that allows you to bond with your baby. However, it's natural to have concerns about breastfeeding your baby, even if you've breastfed before. Find out about common breastfeeding complications, such as engorgement, as well as comfortable breastfeeding positions; here you'll also find advice on breastfeeding twins, breastfeeding in public and how to pump and store your breast milk.  Learn about the many complications that can arise when breastfeeding your baby such as nipple infections, not enough milk, baby latch on problems, and discomfort while breastfeeding. Get advice from a breastfeeding expert on how to increase your milk production and how to comfortably feed your baby.  Also learn about pumping milk in between feedings with your baby and about how to store pumped breast milk.

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a common condition that affects the physical and mental well-being of new moms. Learn about common signs of postpartum depression as well as different degrees of postpartum depression, including postpartum psychosis. Here you'll also find treatment options that can help you overcome postpartum depression. Also learn how to tell the difference between the common occurence of baby blues and the more serious postpartum depression.  How can you know which form of depression you are suffering from?  Also read up on how common this form of depression is and on what to do if you suspect that you or a loved one is suffering from postpartum depression.  

After Pregnancy

After the birth of your baby, you'll likely notice that your body isn't the same as it was before pregnancy. Discover tips on healthy eating and fitness that can help you improve the look of your body after pregnancy, as well as improve your overall postpartum health. Here you'll also find advice on dressing the postpartum body, as well as how to minimize the appearance of stretch marks and varicose veins in order to create a more beautiful you.  Get all the tips you need to start feeling like the old you again and to get your body back into prepregnancy shape as quickly as possible.  However, remember that you did just have a baby so it will take time before you are 100% your old self again.  Embrace the new mommy you and remember that the postpartum body is wonderful reminder of the beautiful baby you created.


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Hi! is there any forum which specifically talks about IVF in Panama? I am looking for a fertility forum which focuses more on Panama. Fertility success rates, stories, treatments, and other fertility options, etc.
6 years ago
Sujatha reddy
I'd pregnency 3 years ago by c section. After the birth for every 6 months i'm experiencing severe back pain which would last for atleast 3 days to 1 week. Is it a complicated problem or natural thing. I have lot of concern about this. Please help with an answer.
7 years ago
I have a little concern about breastfeeding, does the mother still allowed to breastfeed even if she has blood infections like Hep B after the vaccination?
7 years ago
Hi ladies, All that are concerned,or stressing ! because of late, delayed or missed period, It is possible you could be pregnant, from what i had read, wether you have tested days after missed period and it came back (-) what i advise you to do though, just to be on the safe side, is to visit your local Doctor and get a blood TEST done. Stop stressing because it could be that exact thing delaying your period. I'm in the same boat as you are. The first day of my last menstrual Cycle was on May 30th 2012 and me and my bf had sexual intercourse, and yes he blew, but pulled out' which isn't always 100% safe to do, anyway we did it on the 17th of june, i should have gotten my period on 29th 0f june i have a 28 day Cycle, but nothing yet up to this day 9th july, also i took a test today, and it was (-), my period is somewhat on time, otherwise i'll get my preiod either a day before its due or two days after, but never a week late. Ive experienced mild cramping for almost 2wks now, as if i was to start my period, lowerback pain, frequently urinating, tiredness, real sensitivity of the nipples, especially during a shower, when water hits my boobs, and one i hate to say' which is "Really Gassy" at night, but only after dinner or while in bed around 9pm, and when i cramp i get a watery/ white discharge odourless, thats got me up going to the toilet as if its the start of my cycle. I hope i'm pregnant, and really want to go to the doctors this time around, im a little nervous, because i don't want to be dissapointed, but i have to "Just to be on the safe side, so this w/e it is :).So yeah' like i stated earlier in my message, if your really concerned, and need help? a visit to the doctors is all it takes. I hope i have helped give you a little bit of closure LOL! Anyway's ............................................................. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL & Fingers x for me :)
12 years ago
i need help if my due date is july 13th 2012 when did i get pregnant ??? i dont have my period every month like normal so i couldnt tell by my period but if someone can help me with this question please do so .. thanks
12 years ago