Gynecology - Female Reproductive System Health Care

What Is Gynecology?

By the time most women are in their early 20s, they've had occasion to see a gynecologist. In all likelihood, they were referred to the specialist in order to assess or deal with a problem that required specific knowledge in order to treat it. The definition of gynecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive system (uterus, vagina, and ovaries). Literally, outside medicine, it means "the science of women". It is the counterpart to andrology, which deals with medical issues specific to the male reproductive system. Gynecology doctors specialize in the health of the female reproductive system. Their practice includes the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the reproductive system and the breasts. Most gynecology doctors, called gynecologists, are also obstetricians so they can care for their patients who are pregnant right through to delivery. If a gynecologist is not an obstetrician as well, then he or she will refer the client to an obstetrician if she is pregnant and needing medical assistance throughout the pregnancy.

Why Do I Need To See A Gynecologist?

Women's health issues are many and varied, and a gynecologist is the person who is specifically trained to identify problems and help a woman find the right solution to the condition she is facing. Before conceiving a baby, a woman will want to know that her reproductive health is intact and that her body can sustain a pregnancy. Such issues as fibroid tumors, endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding, and developmental disorders all fall under the umbrella of gynecology. The gynecologist is the doctor every woman should see at least once a year for a Pap test for the detection of cancer or other serious uterine problems.

When a woman goes to visit her gynecologist she should go armed with all of the questions that concern her relative to her particular issue. Gynecology questions are important to ask in order to understand how her own body is working, therefore a woman should not be afraid to address some of the gynecology questions she has with her doctor. If there is a concern about miscarriage, birth control, abdominal pain, conception or fertility, it is important that questions are asked and answered in order to alleviate fears and doubts.

The Gynecological Examination

The gynecologist will be able to assess a woman's reproductive health by asking questions as well. The doctor will do a complete reproductive health report, asking questions about menstruation, birth control, diseases, and other things that can affect a woman's reproductive organs and health. Breast health is an important part of the equation and a breast assessment and exam are part of the procedure as well. A gynecological exam is done in the doctor's office, and if the doctor is a male, then often there is a female chaperone in the room as well. This examination involves an internal examination which begins with a visual inspection of the vulva, vagina and cervix. Then, an instrument called a vaginal speculum is warmed and inserted into the vaginal canal and opened in order to give the doctor a clear view of the cervix. It is at this time that any samples and cultures for testing are taken by swab from the area. Once the speculum is removed, a bimanual examination is done by the doctor. One hand is on the outer pelvic area, pressing against the fingers of the other hand which is inside the pelvic region. Through the gynecologic exam, the doctor is able to determine such things as infections of the urethra, lumps, cysts, and tumors, sexually transmitted diseases, and uterine problems, among many other health issues.

Gynecology videos are available online to the public and in them you can see examinations, discover what a specific disease looks like and how it may manifest, and you can also receive lectures and information by gynecology videos in order to be better informed about women's health issues.

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